Saturday 26 January 2008

"U GOT P's 4 ME, FAM?"

Been reading up on this bootlegging malarchy that's all over the internet right now..
It would seem that some people are uploading their copies of the latest "grime" mixtapes to Blogs, Bittorrent sites, even their MySpaces.. at the "expense" of the artists, and much to their dissaproval.. some feeling that they are losing money through this sort of "promotion."
One such bootlegger turned up to face his demons, claiming that he'd "stop, but you know there's gonna be other people who are still doing it".
Though the artist / victim in question, Frisco (Boy Better Know) tells his perpetrator that the situation "could have got mucky", this interview is civil (ish), brutally honest, if not a bit one-sided, and a hot topic within the grime scene.. Click here to listen to the radio interview.
Should artists be concerned w/ losing the £3/CD when they could be reaching thousands of new ears from all over the world..? Would any of the people downloading the tunes actually buy the music..?
And is the answer a website of minute-long "clips" to show the world what grime is..?
Sounds like a cracking idea.. unless you can go somewhere else to get your full mixtape / album free..
Rinse FM's Scratcha hosts the leakers debate with "puregrime's" Risky, who makes some valid points. People ARE going to have to start dealing with the fact that sharing is an internet commodity that is here to stay.. get over it, and draw up a new marketing campaign.

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